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Posted on June 1, 2010

Amateur Photographic Competition

The Works Weekend is hosting an Amateur Photographic Competition over the two days, 17th – 18th July.

They are asking for images that have been taken from within the Inchicore/Kilmainham area that is naturally defined by and includes the Grand Canal, the River Liffey, the South Circular Road.

There are four categories:
Architecture/Buildings (and cityscapes)
People/portraits (and social events)
Wildlife (plant or animal)
Waterways (and locks and bridges)

and there are three age groups for entrants:
a) under 12
b) 12-18
c) over 18

Our aim is to encourage budding photographers of all ages and persuasions to record their personal view of Inchicore, to encourage people to look at their lives and occupations, homes and social events, environment and history, to present a broad and varied portrait of the area from many perspectives.

If you are a school or community group, perhaps you could record a current project, or simply send students off on their own to record what happens between the waterways and South Circular Road.

The subject must be fresh and interesting and we hope the photographer will have a sense of visual awareness and of the unusual.

The first round – entries to be submitted by email before 7th June 2010

Up to five images from any of the categories to be sent in jpeg format (max size 300k each) to email:

Please write PHOTOWORKS and your own name in the subject line.

Include in the body of the email to qualify for entry:

  • your full name and address
  • the title and category for each image
  • the location of the photo
  • confirmation that you wish to be included on dedicated Picasa web page for public viewing

The second round: a committee will select the photos for exhibition and you will be informed by email if any of your images have been selected.

The third round: we will ask you to print a selected image which will be delivered to a collection point in Inchicore village to be announced and will be put into the exhibition at the ‘Wallace Space’ on Grattan Crescent.

The fourth round: photographs will be displayed in the ‘Wallace Space’ and judged by a selected committee. One prize will be awarded in each category.

Winners will be announced at the press view and Works Weekend launch on Friday 16th July at 6:30pm.

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